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Dr. Hakan Yurtdaş

Faculty of Architecture and Engineering

  • Group:Architecture and Engineering

Dr. Hakan Yurtdaş

Faculty of Architecture and Engineering

A. Education

Program University Degree Year
System Engineer Turkish Military Academy/ANKARA Undergraduate 2001
Operations Research Defense Sciences Institute/ANKARA Master’s Degree 2010
Operations Research Gazi University /ANKARA PhD 2018


B. Work Experience

Program Position  University/Company Period
Part Time Lecturer BAU Cyprus University 2021 – Now
Public Sector An Officer Turkish Republic Land Forces Command 2001-2021


C. Publications

  1. Conference Publications

YILMAZ, N., GENCER, C., YURTDAŞ, H., 2016, Cluster Coating and Unit Disk Coating Algorithms for Site Selection in the Three-Dimensional Plane for Reconnaissance and Surveillance Balloons, SAVTEK2016- 8th Defense Technologies Congress 12-14 October, ODTÜ, Ankara

  1. Other Publications

KUYZU, G., YURTDAŞ, H., 2019, A Demon Algorithm for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Cross-Docking, Workshop of the EURO Working Group on Vehicle Routing and Logistics optimization (VeRoLog) 02-05 June 2019, Spain


D. Research Topics

  1. Heuristic Algorithms
  2. Simulation
  3. Optimization
  4. Mathematical Modelling