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Assist. Prof. Dr. Aydın Atılgan

Faculty of Law

  • Group:Faculty of Law, Senate

Assist. Prof. Dr. Aydın Atılgan

Faculty of Law

A. Education

Program University Degree Year
Law University of Ankara Undergraduate 2004
Master’s in EU Law Marmara University EU Institute Master/M.A. 2008
PhD (Law) University of Hamburg PhD 2016


B. Academic Titles

Titles University Scientific Field Year
Assist. Prof. Dr. Bahçeşehir Cyprus University Law 2020


C.Work Experience

Program Position University Period
Law Faculty Bahçeşehir Cyprus University 2020- present
Fellowship Research Fellow University of Turin 2022
Fellowship Research Fellow University of Cardiff 2021
Fellowship Visiting Researcher University of Manchester 2014
Fellowship Visiting Researcher University of Macerata 2013
Fellowship Visiting Researcher /University of Bremen 2011

D. Administrative Positions

Program Position  University Period
Law Acting Dean, Head of International Law Department Bahçeşehir Cyprus University 2020-present


E. Supervised Thesis

1. Master’s Degree

2. PhD

F. Publications

1. Publications listed under Web of Science (SSCI veya SCI-Expanded)

Aydin Atilgan, Global Constitutionalism: A Socio-Legal Perspective, Springer: Berlin, 2018 (WOS Book Citation Index)

2. Publications listed under Scopus

Aydin Atilgan, “Populist Facets of New Dual States: A Comparative Analysis”, in Stefan Mayr and Andreas Orator (eds.) Populism, Popular Sovereignty and Public Reason, Peter Lang, 2021, pp.39-52

3. Publications listed under ULAKBIM

4. Conference Publications
Aydin Atilgan, “Political Economy of Constitutions: Markets and Democracy in Turkey”, International Conference on “Constitutional Democracy and The Rule of Law: Mediterranean Perspectives”, Eastern Mediterranean University, North Cyprus, June 1-2 2022.

Aydin Atilgan, “A Historical-functionalist approach to Turkish constitutionalism”, Cardiff University School of Law and Politics LAWPL Events, February 9, 2022

• Aydin Atilgan, “Populist Facets of New Dual States: A Comparative Analysis” 8th Conference of the AK Politics and Law of the DVPW, German Political Science Association and University of Potsdam, 24-25 February 2022

• Aydin Atilgan, “The Autocratic Legalism in the New Dual States” ICON-S Mundo Conference 6-9 July 2021

• Aydin Atilgan, “The anatomy of the dual states: The pathological formation of liberal democracies”, 19th Annual Conference of the International Social Theory Consortium June 17-19, 2021
Aydin Atilgan, “Populist facets of new dual states: a comparative analysis” 12th CEE Forum Conference Vienna on “Populism, popular sovereignty and public reason” 9-10 September 2020

• Aydin Atilgan, “Conservative and Authoritarian Populism: Populist Dual State of 21st Century,” 1st Helsinki Conference on Emotions, Populism and Polarisation in Politics, Media and Culture, University o Helsinki, August 2019.

• Aydin Atilgan, “From Global Constitutionalism to Global Constitutional Culture: Towards a New Methodological Paradigm in International Law” 23rd Ius Commune Annual Conference, Amsterdam, 29-30 November 2018.

5. Other Publications
Aydin Atilgan & Nora Rzadkowski, Toward a Transnational Curriculum? Reflections on Possibilities for Future Teaching in Legal Education, John Marshall Law Journal Vol. 14(2), 2021, pp. 220-233

Aydin Atilgan, “Pragmatizmin Sınırlarında Hukuk Yaratmak: Yargısal Popülizm” [Making of Law in the Borders of Pragmatism: Judicial Populism] Toplum ve Bilim, Vol. 147, April 2019, pp. 90-108

Aydin Atilgan, “Global Constitutionalism in view of the Third World: Remarks in Pursuit of a New Paradigm”, Africa Journal of Comparative Constitutional Law, Vol. 1(1) November, 2016

Aydin Atilgan, “Transitional Justice As a Constitutional Instrument in International Law”, International Journal of Rule of Law, Human Rights and Transitional Justice, Volume II, 2011, pp. 27-40

Aydin Atilgan & Eylem Ümit, Çocuk Hakları Paradigması ve Çocuk Ceza Yargılamasına Hakim Olan İlkeler Açısından Türkiye’deki Düzenleme ve Uygulamaların Değerlendirilmesi, IHOP, Ankara, 2009

G. Research Topics
Academic staff research interest should be listed here.

Comparative Public Law, Constitutional Law, Legal Theory