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Assist. Prof. Dr. Simge Vural

Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences


Assist. Prof. Dr. Simge Vural

Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences

A. Education

Program University Degree Year
Psychological Counselling & Guidance Eastern Mediterranean University Undergraduate 2007
Counselling Psychology City University Postgraduate 2012
Clinical Psychology University of Nicosia Doctorate 2019


B. Academic Titles

Title University Scientific Field Year
Assitant Professor Bahçeşehir Cyprus University Psychology 2022


C. Work Experience

Program Position University Period
Psychology Lecturer Bahçeşehir Cyprus University 2021- now
Psychology Lecturer Middle East Technical University 2019-2020
Psychology Lecturer European University of Lefke 2016-2019


D. Publications

1. Publications listed under Scopus

a. Vural, S., & Ferreira, N. (2021). Development and psychometric properties of the Anticipatory Anxiety Inventory. Cognition, Brain, Behavior, 25(3).

2. Publications listed under ULAKBIM

a. Aslan, S., Gürbüz, M., & Vural, S. (2016). Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy of a Severe Anorexia Nervosa Case. Journal of Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy and Research, 5(2), 94-103.

 3. Conference Publications

a. Borders of Anxiety. A cross-cultural anxiety study in Cyprus 2012, July 2-4th Stress and Anxiety Research International Conference. Palma de Mallorca, Spain

b. A new model: The impact of Individual differences in understanding the complex nature of Test Anxiety. 2011, July 4-8th 12th European Congress of Psychology. Istanbul, Turkey

c. A Cross National Study: Exploring the Experiences of students’ Test Anxiety across Nations and different genders. 2011, July 4-8th 12th European Congress of Psychology, Istanbul, Turkey.


E. Research Topics

Anxiety related disorders; parental attachment, Emotion regulation, bullying and psychological wellbeing, Evidence based practices, Personal and professional development of trainees, Intergenerational transmission of trauma and its relationship on state-trait anxiety