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Bahçeşehir Cyprus University Gracefully Bids Farewell to 2023-2024 Graduates with a Joyful Ceremony

Bahçeşehir Cyprus University proudly celebrated the graduation of its 2023-2024 academic year students with an enthusiastic ceremony on the evening of July 22, 2024.

The Graduation Ceremony was graced by the presence of Minister of Public Works and Transportation Mr. Erhan Arıklı, Minister of Economy and Energy Mr. Olgun Amcaoğlu, Member of Parliament Mr. Hasan Taçoy, Member of Parliament Ms. Sıla Usar, YÖDAK Secretary-General Mr. Erdinç Akgür, Nicosia District Governor Mr. Cemal Kuyucu, YÖDAK Member Prof. Dr. Zafer Ağdelen, Bahçeşehir University Rector’s Executive Officer Mr. İhsan Alpargın, Rector of World Peace University Prof. Dr. Ahmet Alpay Dikmen, Chairman of the BAU Cyprus Board of Trustees Eral Osmanlar, and Rector of BAU Cyprus Prof. Dr. Mehmet Toycan.

In his speech during the ceremony, Chairman of the BAU Cyprus Board of Trustees, Eral Osmanlar, said: “The world is rapidly changing and evolving. Concepts such as technology, artificial intelligence, and digital transformation are at the core of our lives. However, always remember that in this fast-paced era of change and transformation, your most important guide will be knowledge and science. As the great leader Mustafa Kemal Atatürk said, ‘The truest guide in life is science.’ Advancing with the light of knowledge will always lead you to enlightenment,” expressing his pride in the graduates’ achievements.

Rector of BAU Cyprus, Prof. Dr. Mehmet Toycan, shared his feelings, stating, “Today marks a significant turning point in your lives. You are receiving the reward for your years of hard work, dedication, and commitment, day and night. On this stage, you are not only holding diplomas but also the knowledge, experience, and values you have gained as individuals. You are no longer just graduates of Bahçeşehir Cyprus University but permanent members of this great family.”

During the ceremony, 2023-2024 Academic Year valedictorians Ecem Koç and Ardacan Kemal Oktay, as well as salutatorian Olisaemeka Vitor Achebe, delivered speeches on behalf of the graduates. Following the speeches, a plaque-hanging ceremony was held in honor of the 2023-2024 Academic Year graduates.

Afterwards, awards were presented to the top-ranking graduates, followed by the distribution of diplomas. The ceremony concluded with a traditional cap toss and a spectacular fireworks display.

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