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Master's of Blockchain Technologies (With Thesis)

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Short Description

The Blockchain Technologies Master’s Program with Thesis at Bahçeşehir Cyprus University aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of blockchain technology and its uses. The course covers core topics such as blockchain fundamentals, decentralized systems, cryptography, smart contracts and distributed ledger technologies. Students of the program gain knowledge about the basic concepts and operation of blockchain such as consensus methods, data structures and network protocols. They examine the privacy and security aspects of blockchain systems while investigating the cryptographic methods used to protect data integrity and secure transactions. The program also explores possible applications of blockchain in various industries, including banking, supply chain management, healthcare, and governance. Students learn about legal frameworks, how to recognize and analyze blockchain use cases, and how to evaluate the social and ethical implications of this technology.

Programme Curriculum

Master of Blockchain Technologies program with thesis consists of at least seven courses, a seminar course and thesis, with a total of not less than 21 credits. The seminar course and thesis work are non-credit and are evaluated as successful or unsuccessful. Master program with thesis consists of a total of at least 120 ECTS credits, including at least eight courses including a seminar course to be planned in the fall and spring semesters of education and thesis work. In the master program with thesis, a thesis advisor is appointed with the recommendation of the head of the institute department and the approval of the institute board of directors, by the end of the first semester at the latest. The student proposes the determined thesis topic to the institute together with his/her advisor until the end of the second semester at the latest. The thesis advisor and thesis topic are finalized with the approval of the institute board of directors. The duration of the master program with thesis is four semesters, starting from the semester in which the courses related to the program they are enrolled in, excluding the time spent in scientific preparation, regardless of whether they are registered for each semester, and the program is completed in a maximum of six semesters. At the end of four semesters, those who fail to complete the credit courses in the curriculum with a cumulative weighted grade point average of at least 3.00 and successfully complete the seminar course or fail to fulfill the success conditions/criteria stipulated by the higher education institution within this period; A student who fails in the thesis study or does not enter the thesis defense within the maximum period of six semesters is dismissed from the University.

Program Learning Outcomes

  1. Students will get a thorough knowledge of the fundamental ideas behind blockchain technology, such as distributed ledgers, consensus methods, and cryptographic procedures.


  1. Proficiency in Blockchain Development: Students will gain hands-on experience building and executing blockchain solutions, creating smart contracts, and using blockchain platforms and frameworks.


  1. Knowledge of Cryptography and Security: Students will get familiar with the ideas and methods of cryptography utilised in blockchain systems, such as key management, secure hashing, and digital signatures. They’ll be aware of the significance of safety precautions and privacy concerns in blockchain applications.


  1. Knowledge of Decentralised Systems: Students will investigate the traits and difficulties of decentralised systems, such as distributed consensus and peer-to-peer networks. They will learn more about challenges related to governance, interoperability, and scaling.


  1. Ability to Evaluate Blockchain Use Cases: Students will have the ability to recognise and evaluate possible use cases for blockchain technology across a variety of sectors, taking into account elements including the need for trust, data integrity, and productivity gains.


  1. Students will have a solid understanding of the legal, moral, and societal implications of blockchain technology. Topics including data protection, identity management, intellectual property, and adherence to pertinent laws and regulations will be covered.


  1. Analytical and Critical Thinking: Students will acquire analytical and critical thinking abilities to identify possible risks and problems, assess strengths and limits of blockchain solutions, and offer creative methods to meet them.


  1. Research and Innovation: Students are urged to take part in research activities, investigate new trends and technologies in the blockchain industry, and advance the subject by doing original research or coming up with creative initiatives.


Course assessment usually consists of a comprehensive final exam, midterm, quizzes, case analysis, projects, and participation in the class.

Letter grades are calculated based on the weight of the final exam, midterm exam, quizzes, case analysis, projects, assignments etc. and the actual numerical grades achieved in these assessment components. The semester grade point average (GPA) and grade point average (CPA) of the student are calculated according to the course grades.


The student has to complete 120 ECTS and all program requirements. A minimum cumulative grade point average (CPA) of 3.0 is required.

What makes us different

While the program allows you to customize your course to suit your needs, it strives to provide you with a broad and comprehensive understanding of the most important management issues from an international perspective. Aligning your business degree with your current path of study can open up options and provide you with a highly specialized, distinctive business certificate at the end of a series. The Blockchain Technologies master’s Program with thesis aims to provide students with the ability to access, evaluate and interpret information through scientific research and knowledge. Blockchain technologies are needed as they provide secure, transparent, and decentralized systems that provide trust, immutability and efficiency in various fields such as finance, supply chain management, healthcare and more. In this context, our program is designed to prepare students for the skills necessary to gain the knowledge and skills required by the business environment, and to provide them with the ability to make strategic evaluation and analysis together with other competencies.

Career Opportunities

  1. Blockchain Developer
  2. Blockchain Architect
  3. Blockchain consultant
  4. Cryptocurrency Analyst
  5. Blockchain researcher
  6. Blockchain business manager
  7. Blockchain educator
  8. Blockchain legal advisor
  9. Blockchain project manager

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